Whitefriars Lodge



Charitable giving is at the heart of being a Freemason. Freemasonry is one of the largest charitable givers in the country, contributing £51.1m to deserving causes in 2020 alone

Our Lodge has a very long and proud tradition of giving freely to Charity. Since we were formed in 1929, we have been a supporter of the four main Masonic Charities. These have more recently been brought together under a single entity called the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF).

 See link for details on some of the amazing work done by the MCF:  https://mcf.org.uk/

The London Freemasons’ Charity (LCF), formerly known as The Metropolitan Masonic Charity, is a grant making charity run by Freemasons under the banner of Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London. As a London Lodge we have donated over £5000 to the LCF which in turn has supported The London Air Ambulance Service (Giving £2m towards a second Helicopter and a further £200,000 to help the running costs of Helicopter services in the country)


Recovery for stroke patients in Ealing

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Young people at risk of exclusion offered helping hand by SkyWay

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St John Ambulance train 12000 young responders with help from London Freemasons

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